Zero Cost Ways of Increasing the Efficiency of Air Conditioning
A more thorough and in-depth cleaning could be done by a professional to improve our condenser unit’s performance but this can be done once in a while as long as you know how to do it yourself on a regular basis. By vacuuming dust and any debris away from the indoor supply vents helps to maintain a steady airflow from your system without incurring any costs of hiring a professional as long as you have a vacuum cleaner and simple tools to clear the debris. You could also increase your thermostat by a few degrees as this can help yourself a lot of money and energy that would have been billed in your air conditioning alone. Having this heat producing appliances near your thermostat will make the air in your home to be cooled more and this causes the system to run for longer and work harder than usual. In cold season, keeping the blinds and curtains closed helps to retain some of the room temperature and this helps to make it easier to warm the house for the air conditioner and therefore it helps in the saving of costs.
This clearing can be done by flushing a cup of chlorine bleach down your air conditioning drain and rinse it with about a gallon of water as this can help to keep your drain clean during summer. Keeping drain clear can also save your basement from taking in a lot of water if the drain becomes blocked. By avoiding the use of these electronic devices, you can be well assured that your air conditioner can have an easy time regulating the heat during hot hours of the day or during hard seasons like summer. It is important that you also insulate any ductwork that runs through an unconditioned space. It is also advised that your ductwork should be insulated using proper thickness of the duct insulating material. It is therefore important that you insulate any exposed ductwork to avoid as unexpected costs.
It is important to prioritize no-cost maintenance of your air conditioner as regular repairs further depreciates the air conditioner which can actually save you for longer if he took the right and proper care for it. If you don’t have sufficient knowledge of electronics and check on the air-conditioner’s manual check the parts that are prone to dust and other debris and also better ways of making the system work in coordination with other natural methods that are not costly. The utility costs of a home can be reduced by regular practices that can be done at no cost and this will avoid the cost of your bills being inflated.
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