6 Lessons Learned: Menstration

Merits of Using Menstrual Cups

Using menstrual cups can help you enjoy very many benefits. The affordability of menstrual cups is one of the main reasons why you should consider using them. You can use a single menstrual cup for many years because they are designed for long term use. This can help you save a lot of money in the long run. The fact that menstrual cups can be reused means there is less wastes that will end up in the kandfills. When more people adopt the use of menstrual cups less trees get sacrificed. There are also menstrual cups that are disposable and you can try them out.

You will also avoid the bad odor associated with pads and tampons. Sometimes the bad menstrual odor can turn out to be very embarrassed. You can avoid all this embarrassment by simply using menstrual cups. This is due to the fact the fluid does not get exposed to air like in tampons. Using menstrual cups will also ensure that you will not have stress when learning how to use them. You can learn how to insert a menstrual cup with seconds. You just need to fold, insert and then give it a little push. When you insert it properly you will not feel its presence at all.

Using a menstrual cup will ensure that the beneficial bacteria in the vagina is able to keep being intact. Tampons always take in the fluid and the menstrual blood. This often interferes with the balance of good bacteria in the vagina. With your menstrual cup you will still be able to engage in sexual intercourse. The decision to keep it on or remove it is up to you. Either way you will be safe even if you don’t remove it.

Another advantage of menstrual cups is that you will avoid going to the pharmacy every now and then. This is because even if you will use the disposable cups you will still make fewer trips to the pharmacy. When using tampons you will have to go to the pharmacy after every one month. Using menstrual cups will ensure that you will get more time in between changes. This is due to the fact you can use a menstrual cup for 12 hours without having to empty it. This cannot be compared to tampons which you have to empty after every four hours. The intensity of the flow doesn’t matter when you are using menstrual cups. Menstrual cups hold more liquid and this is an added advantage. This is unlike tampons that hold few grams of liquid. For ladies that have a heavier flow, this can be very convenient. You will also be able to avoid having chemicals in your vagina.

Doing Periods The Right Way

Cups Tips for The Average Joe

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